Non-profit organization Uprooted Academy is hosting its annual “We Belong” Virtual College Fair next month, offering prospective students to connect with universities ranging from HBCUs to Ivy Leagues. This year the online event is taking its platform to the Metaverse to extend the nationwide bridge between high school seniors and undergraduates to be.
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Founder Tiffany Green crafted Uprooted Academy because of her upbringing as a first-generation, low-income student. The organization’s innovative approach is to hone in on providing resources and a wider net of schools to students who’s access may be limited. “As a proud founder of Uprooted Academy, an organization designed to help students navigate the tricky college application process, I understand the challenges that students, especially those from underrepresented backgrounds, face when pursuing their dreams,” says Green. “Our immersive virtual college fair is not just an event, it’s a transformative opportunity for our students and families.”
This year, Uprooted Academy will be transitioning the “We Belong” convention to the Metaverse to further their aim of fostering connections between universities, students, and professionals. The evolved outlet will open a new realm of opportunities and inclusivity for students who may not have access to a traditional college fair, because they are held in geographical boundaries. Through Metaverse the cyberspace will allow students to globally gather on the event day, and re-experience the fair for an additional 90 days.
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Following the end of affirmative action, it is crucial to broaden students’ horizons beyond their local area or even the schools that usually visit their high schools. Without the exposure to colleges across the country, many students would have only considered applying to schools near to their residence. With partners like CollegeBoard, Common Black Application, Matriculate, and Scoir, Uprooted Academy is excited to announce that they will be giving away $10,000 in scholarships, to provide financial aid to a participants’s future education.
“This fair is a stepping stone to realizing dreams and creating pathways to success,” says Green. “In light of affirmative action, students’ awareness of more choices is more urgent than ever.”
The “We Belong” Virtual College Fair takes place on October 14, 2023 starting at 12 p.m. For more information, or to donate and sponsor, visit Uprooted Academy online.