Today is World Teacher Day, a day that highlights the importance of educators in our lives. Whether it be a kindergarten teacher or your favorite graduate school professor, we all have that one teacher who changed our lives forever. Not only are they valued educators, but their roles as trusted adults outside of our homes play a significant part in the development of our adolescent and young adult years. From a quote we carried on with us forever to our favorite books to date, teachers have more of an impact in our day-to-day lives than we may acknowledge.
According to Dr. Tamara Pizzoli, founder of The English Schoolhouse, World Teacher Day has grown in significance since the start of the pandemic last year. “The year 2020 taught us so much about just how valuable educators are, and how they deserve respect and support daily,” Dr. Pizzoli told Girls United. “As a former Kindergarten teacher and a lifelong educator, I truly believe that we are all teachers, but those who have chosen education as their career path deserve to be celebrated and highlighted for doing some of the most sacred and important work that exists–imparting knowledge and inspiring others to seek it for themselves.”
“It’s important for me to feel appreciated by my students because it creates an environment where students actively want to learn,” said Jada Hoyle-Gardner, Ph.D Candidate in Environmental Science and PE-STEM Environmental Science Research Educator. For Hoyle-Gardner, the appreciation is a constant reminder that she is making a difference in the lives of her students. “It’ll motivate me to find who I am as a teacher and in return, this results in an organic passage of educational material.”
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Dr. Pizzoli continued to explain to Girls United why it is important for students and parents alike to demonstrate their appreciation for teachers. “Some of the most dedicated, sincere, beautiful humans I know are teachers. There’s no way to quantify the countless hours of labor and love educators dedicate to their classrooms as well as their students and their families,” she said passionately. “Since there’s no way to place a number on the value of what so many teachers selflessly give – well beyond the time that they are required to – gratitude and appreciation are appropriate currencies that are so deeply appreciated.
Below, check out a list of ways to show the number one teacher, professor, or guidance counselor in your life how much you appreciate them and value their contribution to your academic achievements!
School Supplies
You can never have too many school supplies. Notebooks, pens, paper – oh my! A quick trip to a nearby dollar store or Staples can help keep your classroom organized and can lift a huge weight off of your teacher’s shoulders and wallets. A pack of erasers can go a long way!
“I adored receiving gift cards to educational stores when I was a teacher. Another preferred gift idea was books gifted to the classroom–so many people don’t realize how much of their own money teachers spend, and only so much of that is tax deductible,” Dr. Pizzoli said about helping out with supplies.
Get Your Parents Involved
Parental support will always make a teacher’s job easier. Have your parent volunteer for field trips, PTA meetings, or facilitating an after school program or two. Knowing that your student’s parent or guardian is in your corner is a great way to show support for your teacher!
Superheros get tired too, especially teachers. Lend a helping hand by asking them what they may need around the classroom. Whether it’s help with organizing the next day’s lesson or simply wiping the dry erase board. Help clear your professor’s plate by doing the seemingly little things!
Remember Their Birthday
Some of our favorite moments during our younger years in school were when we busted out the cake, ice cream and pizza during school hours for a classmate’s birthday. Now, it’s time to flip the script! Get your class to chime in on a happy birthday song and dance, and maybe even give them a card signed by everyone in the room. Teachers deserve to be celebrated, too!
Tell Them
Sometimes, it’s as simple as opening your mouth. Simply tell your teachers “thank you” or “I appreciate you.” Whether it be in the form of a thank you note, a well-written email, or passing by their office in the morning before classes start, you never know how much a sentence can turn someone’s day around for the better.
“The most precious gifts, I think most educators would agree, cannot be purchased,” Dr. Pizzoli added. “Taking the time to pen a letter or to verbally express gratitude to a teacher really does have a significant impact on sentiment and morale. I still have little love notes from several of my former students.”
Photo Credit: Instagram/@PrepareToGetSchooled