Halloween is the universally sanctioned time to rock over-the-top makeup. Sometimes, though, you just want to keep it cute. Our co-founder, Sophia Dennis, knows this; so, she created a Halloween-inspired makeup tutorial that’s perfect for a workday, school, or even a chill kickback with friends. And she used the Girls United + Ulta Beauty collection to bring it all together.
Sophia started the look off with her eyes, using concealer as a base for the eye shadow. “[I]t helps a lot with the final look and making sure that nothing gets on your actual face,” she said.
Our fearless co-founder used a variety of the Girls United + Ulta Beauty eye shadow hues, including: Unapologetic, Periodt, Shapoppin’, High Key, Shut it Down, On Point, and Natural Beat. She also used the Girls United + Ulta Beauty high shine lip gloss. The look was completed with Sophia’s own foundation, mascara, eyebrow pencil, and primer. Her face is on point!

Click here to preview/purchase our collection with Ulta.
Also, be sure to apply for the Girls United + Ulta Beauty mentorship program. If selected, you’ll receive $10,000 towards your college education and also the opportunity to contribute to the next Girls United + Ulta Beauty collection!