Amber Riley has had our hearts for years.
We first spotted her as a cast member on Glee (a role for which she was nominated for a Grammy), and were immediately floored by her angelic, yet powerful, voice. Since then, she’s stunned as Effie White in a theatrical production of Dreamgirls, won Dancing with the Stars, and released a six-song project, RILEY, in October 2020. She’s all about progression in her professional and personal life, which is why she partnered with KeVita, a brand of probiotic drinks.
“I partnered with KeVita because they wanted to help celebrate the love,” Riley says to Girls United. “[S]ummer is coming up, I’m just super into telling people to love themselves from the inside out.”
Riley believes in uplifting women and does not pass on opportunities to do so. “One of the tips that I gave, it’s kind of like a mantra in my life because I do say this a lot…is having empowering women around you.” A strong group of sisters to stand in the gap for you can be the difference between your grand ascent from the ashes and a lonely, low moment. “I’ve always said, ‘If you don’t have powerful women in your life, you’re not living life empowered. You’re not living to your fullest ability,'” she added.

Riley also identified mirror work, an affirming practice that encourages people to speak life into themselves, as a helpful wellness tactic. “Sometimes I just stand in the mirror and I’m just like, Okay girl, I know you’re tired today, but we gotta get it done. You may not be feeling yourself right now, but you’re still amazing.” Using encouraging language, instead of thinking and speaking ill of yourself, offers the fuel you need to go on and accomplish great things. We exist in a world that’s already unbelievably tough on Black women, so you owe it to yourself to be kind.
Read our interview with affirmation queen, Yung Baby Tate.
One of the singer’s final notes was to get active, as it can help improve mental health. “I think moving your body is important. I try to do something active every day, I think rest is important also,” Riley shared with us. She then listed a few of her favorite activities: riding her bike, putting on music and having a dance party in her room and doing her stair climber. She says it makes her feel “fierce” and “gets [her] energy going.”
Read about how capitalism has created burnout here.
Having a good summer is ultimately about the way we feel about ourselves and the positive energy we welcome into our lives. So listen to Amber Riley and start living your best life through self-love.
Keep up with Amber by following her on Instagram.
Photo credit: KeVita