In the weeks before the 2020 presidential election, young Black people are not only being called on to vote, but to help others vote as well.
In a video created with Warner Media’s One Fifty, Issa Rae spoke on the need for poll workers in the Black community. “This is the most important election of our lives,” Rae said during the minute-long clip. “But poll sites in the Black community are in danger of closing. Why? Because we need more poll workers.”
The Insecure creator then shared that if you’re over 16, you can work the polls, though this age may vary depending on where you live. This can prove to be a great option for those who are unable to vote in this election due to being underaged. Working at the polls could also help lessen Black voter suppression, a tactic that has been used to stifle Black political voices for centuries.
Rae’s video also revealed a few statistics about the people who have historically worked the polls, but are now unable to due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “55% of…workers are over 60 [years old] and over a quarter of poll workers are older than 70,” she said. “It’s just not safe for our seniors to work the polls this year.”
If you’re interested in being a poll worker this year, sign up here.
Photo credit: Getty Images