What is social media without discourse? It seems as if Twitter will begin its quarterly gender targeting debate about who is more emotionally immature. In the past we’ve seen the “Pick Me” argument and the “Unpopular Opinion” spark. This go round trolls and users are introduced to math that’s a bit more complex than 2+2. In this case, timelines were flooded with Boy Math and Girl Math dissecting the unexplainable yet understood reasonings why men and women say and act the way they do.
Tweets from user @AnouskhaReeves saying “Boy math is being 5 ’10” but rounding it up to 6’” or from @Shinathagoat tweeting “Girl math is going on vacation with 8 friends and coming back with 3” oddly makes complete yet unfathomable sense. As each gender strikes the other, we have to question why it is that relationships in a zillennial and millennial society have so much convolution instead of simplicity. If the math is mathing, why do women continue to feel misunderstood and men continue to turn a blind eye.
The recent Twitter and TikTok buzz made its way to podcaster siblings Josh and David Egbo, the hosts of, “Don’t Trip We Got You.” Both hosts react to scenarios considered justifiable within girl math with David commenting, “It doesn’t make sense, but it makes sense. I feel like girls be mathing, and the math doesn’t be mathing, but it is mathing.” While most men share similar sentiments to the Egbo brothers, creator Lifecoach Shawnda says, “So the girl math trend was wholesome and harmless, talking about handbags and shoes, shopping, just really having fun just us ladies chatting away. But, as always men started chiming in with their unsolicited opinions. And why they do that, because boy math… those ladies are dragging those men.”
As we continue to laugh, repost, and share ridiculous yet uncannily accurate tweets, does this online debate conceal a more significant underlying issue? While countless Zillennials search for love, many struggle to pinpoint its elusive essence. Amidst the revolving door of our cherished celebrity couples, a sense of despondency pervades. It appears that a profound disconnect within heterosexual relationships runs deeper than mere misunderstandings between girl math and boy math.