In May 2021, a COVID-19 vaccine for kids ages 12-15 was green lit, meaning all Americans aged 12 and above were now eligible to be vaccinated against the respiratory illness. As schools reopen in the fall, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is pushing to have a COVID-19 vaccine available for children under 12 years old as well.
An emergency vaccine could be here as early as midwinter, an official for the FDA said on July 15. Pfizer and Moderna are both working on respective vaccines for young children between the ages of 6 months old and 11 years old.
Trials have been underway since March 2021 and NBC News reports that results are expected in the fall.
Pfizer’s statement to NBC News said they are looking to have results on its trials in kids between the ages of 5 to 11 in September. Afterwards, they could then apply for emergency use. “Data for kids 2 and under 5 could arrive soon after that,” the company wrote.
Results for kids ages 6 months up to 2 years may not be ready until October or November. Separate trials for children are key as it is vital we know full benefits and potential side effects for the demographic.
Since schools are looking to be open before the vaccine is projected to be available, students are expected to adhere to the guidelines currently outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Among those guidelines are: masks should be worn indoors by those 2 and up who are not vaccinated, students teachers and staff should stay home when they have signs of an infectious illness, 3 feet should maintained between students within classrooms, vaccine promotion can help get schools back to full in-person learning, and the importance of ventilation, testing, washing your hands and respiratory etiquette.
Read 5 must-know facts about the COVID-19 vaccine here.
Photo credit: Getty Images/A. Martin UW Photography