On September 8, Twitter launched Communities, a new feature that allows users to groups themselves and subscribe the content they care about most.
Subgroups have always been on the platform, but now they’ll exist in a more organized way.
“People will have the opportunity to be invited to Communities — such as Dogs, Astrology, and Skincare — right away,” a press release read. The first five Communities will exist on your Twitter app and profile as a place to Tweet about your interests separate from your public timeline.”
Love astrology? Read tips about getting through Mercury retrogrades here.
These first categories are: #AstroTwitter, #DogTwitter, #SkincareTwitter and #SoleFood. They revolve around astrology, dogs, skincare and sneakers, respectively.
There are preset moderators for the new Communities, including @ijaadee, @shawtyastrology, @milkstrology for 💫#AstroTwitter, @dog_rates, @dogfather, @briancanterbury for 🐶#DogTwitter, @labeautyologist, @makeupforwoc, @caveofbeaut for 🧖♀️#SkincareTwitter and @jazzyrae, @sneakerphetish, @_talkswithtj for 👟#SoleFood.
When you post a Tweet in a Community, only people in your Community are able to Like and Reply.
To join a Community, members must be invited one of the moderators or another member in the Community.
If you are interested in building your own Community, you must complete and submit this form. Currently, Communities are invite only and are being tested on iOS and web.