The blue wave Democrats were hoping for, has finally come—Joe Biden is projected to win presidential election of 2020. His running mate, Kamala Harris makes history as the first woman, as well as the first Black woman, to be named Vice President.
The Biden-Harris administration is set to take the Oval Office by storm by addressing many hot button issues that have become impossible to ignore. At debates and town halls, Biden vowed to create policies that will improve COVID-19 relief, while also emphasizing the importance of rejoining various international organizations, such as the World Health Organization, which the Trump administration withdrew from.
Additionally, Harris has worked closely with Biden on a strategy to rehabilitate the country in the wake of the pandemic, including putting support in place for small businesses, building communities up economically and getting children back to school safely. Biden also plans on enacting his plan for Black America, Lift Every Voice, which includes expanding African American homeownership and access to affordable, safe housing by helping families buy their first homes.
The win serves as a symbolic shift in the national narrative as Biden seeks to restore a sense of structure to the White House. As current and former U.S. senators, Harris and Biden have served the American people for decades and promise to bring that same commitment to service to the executive branch. We are hopeful that a new tide has turned.