One major superpower Black women have is the ability to be multidimensional and not put themselves in a single box. Like many other avenues, Black women are granted the space and opportunity to show their skills, and this time it’s through a new popular phenomenon: gaming.
For so long many people associated gaming with something only boys participate in, but that’s not the case. The rise that Black girl gamers are having is something to be proud of because now they are receiving the benefits and platform as men.
According to Statista, In 2022, women accounted for 48 percent of gamers in the United States, up from 45 percent of U.S. gamers identifying as women during the previous year. There are some differences in terms of genre preferences, but as a whole, female gaming audiences in the United States are just as engaged as their male counterparts. This year, Cxmmunity is partnering with Girls United Summit for an e-sports tournament, allowing you to release that inner gamer girl.
With gaming reaching massive heights, Girls United is bringing the heat at the 2022 GU Summit, giving gamers their time to shine at the gamer’s hub, where Cxmmunity is on a mission to increase representation for minorities and to create a growing digital community for Gen-Z Black women. To get those skills up, check out some of our favorite Black gamer girls to follow:
The Summit will also stream live on ESSENCE Studios. For more information and to RSVP through our free registration, visit https://girlsunited.essence.com/gusummit2022/.
Kiwi is a variety gamer whose favorite games include Kingdom Hearts 2, I Am Setsuna, and Super Mario World. Through her gaming, she can express herself through cosplay, crafts, and cooking.
Keda created her platform designed as a camp she built for herself. She created Camp Kedapalooza as a place for people to escape and enjoy time away from the world’s troubles.
Flexing her cosplay muscle is what Jahara loves the most throughout her gaming journey as she participates in role-playing games (RPG) and final fantasy content.
On the platform of ‘curiousjoi’ creating a safe space through gaming. Joi’s genres include Japanese role-playing games (JRPG}, Fighting, and Action-Adventure, creating a massive support system on her channel.
Gaming, makeup, and all things cute are the things Ashley lives by as a gamer baddie. Her mission is to cultivate a community as she dives into indie and story games that allow the intimate space to connect with her followers.
Briana started gaming at five years old after playing Crash Bandicoot 2 and soon realized she loved creating stories in video games, hence where her username came from. She’s a Twitch ambassador and host connecting with millions of other young Black gamer girls.
Cassie is a British content creator with a passion for cosplay, variety streaming, and story-rich games where she can speak freely and interact with her followers. She fell in love with gaming when she discovered Goldeneye on N64 and Zelda: a link to the past.
About Kenyatta: Kenyatta Victoria is an entertainment and culture reporter passionate about music, pop culture, and marginalized stories. She has bylines in publications such as Chicago Reader, INSIDER, Girls United, TransLash Media, and the Chicago Tribune.