Pull up your Pinterest because it’s time to start setting our intentions and goals for 2024 with a new vision board. Before you know it, January will be here, and you’ll want a clear and concise plan laid out for crushing your goals in the new year.
Creators have already started to post their ambitions, from wellness to style to career, giving you an array of images to save and choose from to build your board. There’s something so invigorating about starting fresh, but the real goal is to remain consistent so that your visions can turn into reality.
That’s why practical planning and vision casting are so important. We spoke to certified Life Coach Jonathan Stamper for wisdom on creating a compelling vision board. Let this be the last year you still need to complete your goals.
Find An Accountability Partner
“The most unrealistic goals are the goals you try to achieve alone,” Stamper says. He suggests finding a “purpose partner” to streamline the journey. Take advantage of friends and family who want to see you win. Community is essential to keep you afloat when you feel like giving up. As you build your vision board, jot down two to three people who are great accountability partners.
Phase Out Your Goals
We’ll often try to take on too much at the beginning of the year, making our ideas impractical. Stamper suggests taking your big life goals and breaking them down into phases to prevent early burnout. “Choose one or two to focus on for next year by asking yourself, ‘How could I end 2024 in a way I’d be proud of,'” he says. For example, if your ultimate goal is to become a content creator, your 2024 goal could be to post five times a week. That’s an action item that brings you closer to your ultimate goal. “Think progress over perfection, and you’ll come out of 2024 feeling great,” he says.
“After you write down everything you want to accomplish next year, narrow that list down to a ‘Do or Die top 5.’ Priorities create productivity,” Stamper says, “The clearer you are on the goals that matter most, the easier it will be to accomplish as many goals as you set out.” Try to keep your vision board manageable with trends. Decide which goals are necessary for 2024 and tailor all your energy and effort towards them.
Use Metrics
Put all of your goals through the “S.M.A.R.T.” test. Are they Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound? When curating your vision board, the main goal is to have action behind each goal.
“You can’t just write your goals; you must develop them as thoroughly as possible,” he says. “Assessing your goals through this metric system will help give your dreams an intentional direction.”
Design Carefully
“When you make your vision board, ensure it doesn’t just REMIND you but INSPIRES you,” Stamper says. “Get as creative as possible. Design it to alert you to take on every day like a boss. That will be a game changer for taking your goals from a ‘to do’ to a ‘must do.’”
Now you know how to pace yourself. Utilize the insight by investing in a thoughtful, concise, and practical vision board. Let 2024 be the year you crush your goals!