First and foremost, Congratulations on entering new territory as a recent graduate. You’ve joined the ranks of the 53.7 percent of Americans with a college degree, a significant achievement that you should take a moment to appreciate because after you walk across the commencement stage, the realities of adulthood kick in. You’ll be challenged with responsibilities that weren’t a priority before. It’s an exciting time of self-discovery that leaves you with the question, what’s next? Based on studies and reflections from recent graduates, there’s much insight to curate your journey.
You’ve officially entered ‘the real world.’ Though a famous phrase that has morphed into different meanings, the dictionary definition of ‘the real world’ is the situations most humans have to deal with. Entering the real world is simply an awareness that it is your responsibility to work to live. When friends, family, and bystanders ask, “What’s next?” They are looking for you to answer questions about your contribution to the world’s economy. Will you become a Journalist? Marketer? Teacher? Businesswoman? Politician? Or all five? It’s all about exploring your interests and talents to do what is best for your life. Keyword: your. We’ll examine journeys that are popular today for inspiration, but remember, a career post-grad is not one size fits all.
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A favored direction graduates pursue is applying for a corporate job. Career counselors advocate going after a traditional job, and career fairs center around hiring recent graduates for entry-level roles. It used to be an expectation that graduates would receive a job offer directly after or even before graduation, but unfortunately, obtaining a traditional role has become challenging. Forbes describes today’s job market as extremely competitive. Along with the unreasonable market, studies show that 38 percent of employers avoid hiring recent college graduates. What used to be the traditional pathway to stability is no longer. Going directly into a 9-5 job may not be the reality for everyone.
Don’t be discouraged if your journey isn’t linear. Many Gen Z’ers must pick up a retail or food industry job before securing a full-time role. Last year, the unemployment rate for recent graduates was higher than the overall joblessness rate and nearly double the rate for all workers with a college degree. Working a temporary role unrelated to your field is almost like a new normal.
58 percent of employers say recent college graduates are unprepared for the workforce. Companies are looking for graduates with experience, but sometimes, it’s hard to get that experience while managing school work. One way to gain more practice in your field while searching for a full-time role is freelancing. You can either learn in preparation for a full-time job or become your own boss and freelance as a career.
A pathway that’s becoming more normalized is going directly into entrepreneurship after graduation. 75 percent of Gen Z’ers want to start their businesses, and one in five Gen Zers and Millennials say they were students before starting their businesses. Graduates are skipping the step of working for someone else and gaining “real world” experience first. By all means, if you have the support, jumping into entrepreneurship may be perfect. It’s a fantastic opportunity to try going full-out with less responsibility or risk.
Also, remember you’re not tied to whatever your degree is in. You can pivot if you realize you’ve fallen out of love with what you studied or if it doesn’t make you enough money. Remember, entering the “real world” is an awareness that bills and priorities must be taken care of regardless. If you want or need to shift your career so that you can live your most fulfilling life, do so guilt-free. A graduate degree is always an option if additional academic training is what you need. The latest data shows that 21 percent of recent graduates seek further education after getting their bachelor’s.
So, now what? There are many ideas and inspirations to draw from as you embark on your journey as a college graduate. No matter how you contribute to the world, leave it a better place than you left it. There’s so much to do and be – as they say, ‘the world is your oyster.’
About the author: Shelby Denise Smith is a full-time Social Media Editor and part-time Freelance Writer. She loves writing about news, wellness, and beauty and hosting impactful conversations with influencers and experts on those subjects.